Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting ready for the European Google Apps for Edu Summit

The First Ever -  Google Apps for Education European Summit, is next week...  Here is a preview of what I intend to share -

Taking Google Forms to the Next Level - I am hoping to share with my audience, user friendly and easily adaptable instruction on how to take Google Forms beyond the step of a basic 'survey.'  Google Forms are one of the most popular Google Applications and so versatile.  They play an integral role in the 'paperless classroom' and more.  This is not an intro to forms and I am not a script guru ... so this is perfect for someone who is 'intermediate'...   

Learn. Create. Share. Portfolios w/ Google Sites - I have a hard time give a 'title' to this presentation.  I want to share how the whole GAFE suite of apps can support project based learning and hit a plethora of targets at the same time.  By using the suite - email, docs, presentation, spreadsheet, forms, and site (to begin with) a teacher/class can learn, create, and share while becoming more proficient with Google Apps and developing ICT skills.  Some courses or units of study lend themselves to using more apps and the accumulation of such projects (created independently, collaboratively or both), can be presented and shared as a final product in Google Sites that students can connect to other portfolios and keep with them beyond.   Having worked for over a decade in technology integration prior to Google Apps I have gleaned a great appreciation for the limitless opportunities it offers for creating rich and engaging 21st century learning environments..  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The modern era is becoming more exciting everyday and professionals like you are to be recognized for your tremendous efforts.