Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Going Google District Wide Hangout on Air TODAY

Going Google - District Wide

Description #eduonair
Implementing Google Apps for Education in your district means more than adding Gmail and using a few 'Docs'. Google Apps for Education can replace many processes, subscriptions, and software by taking advantage of Sites, Forms, Sharing and Collaborating, Templates, Docs and more.

We've got a great group in the hangout today - Eric Griffith, Andy Littlefield, Alice Barr, Andrew Stillman... 

Hoping to have a collaborative/share session that leaves everyone with a fresh thought or idea on their Google Apps deployment.  
Google Apps Training Center

Some resources to help you 'Go Google - District Wide'

Google Apps for Edu Lesson Plans
Google Apps for Edu Recorded Webinars

Please feel free to add resources here as well in the comments or your tip or trick for Going Google - District Wide!

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