I don't have much time - as usual to post so I am going to copy content from the digitallearningday.org site below. It is Feb 1. If you love ed tech get involved! It's not about the gadget it is about high quality education environments for today's learners! Please get involved!
Sign Up Now for Digital Learning Day 2.1.12
Join us as we create a national awareness campaign to celebrate innovative teachers and instructional strategies. Technology has changed the way we do everything from grocery shopping, to listening to music, and reading books. It’s time to take action to leverage this potential with more innovative uses of technology in our nation's schools to ensure every student experiences personalized learning with great teaching.
What is Digital Learning?
Digital learning is any instructional practice that is effectively using technology to strengthen the student learning experience. Digital learning encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practice, including using online and formative assessment, increasing focus and quality of teaching resources and time, online content and courses, applications of technology in the classroom and school building, adaptive software for students with special needs, learning platforms, participating in professional communities of practice, providing access to high level and challenging content and instruction, and many other advancements technology provides to teaching and learning. In particular, blended learning is any time a student learns, at least in part, at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and, at least in part, through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace.
What is Digital Learning Day?
Digital Learning Day is a culminating event in a year-round national awareness campaign to improve teaching and learning for all children. On Digital Learning Day, we are asking everyone – no matter your comfort with technology - teachers, librarians, school leaders, afterschool programs, community groups, parents – to Sign up and be counted in this effort by
- Starting a conversation - at a PTA/PTO meeting, in your school, department, library, or community-based organization about your goals for your students and how digital learning can help meet their needs. Watch our National Town Hall meeting on 2.1.12 and participate virtually. Watch our daylong webcast and pass it on to others who care about student learning! Not sure where to start? Check out our Getting Started section (coming soon) and soon you'll be on your way!
- Trying one new thing - sample an online lesson, use mobile devices in class, start a wiki, use digital storytelling, start a project-based learning unit, but above all, challenge your teaching, learning, and pedagogy and see what digital technology can do for you and the students you serve! Check out our resources and toolkits and go digital!
- Showcase success - submit a video of how you are innovating to give the students you work with the best learning experience possible! Better yet, have your students take the lead and show us how digital learning works for them!
Digital Learning Day is not just for schools: learning takes place in many environments, so libraries, community or afterschool programs, and other groups along with parents and students are all invited. Sign up today, learn more, and join us for a celebration of innovation. Visit our toolkit section to get started!
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