Sunday, June 26, 2011

Iste Conference 2011 Sunday 6/26 Keynote

Dr. John Medina Keynote Speaker

Brilliant performance by Dr. John, who addressed how each brain is unique and that we are all equipped to learn in our own individual ways.

Watch it recorded on the ISTE Website

Everyone should read about Brain Rules before raising children or teaching! It is never too late. Check it out! http:http:

Welcome to Brain Rules from Pear Press on Vimeo.

Approaching Grantgivers, How to write and how to sell it!

Presenter: Sheryl r. Abshire (

Key points:
  • Did you lose out on a grant? Ask to see all the ones that were funded. Look at the comments from reviewers on your grant.
  • Want to develop winning edge? Volunteer to read grants!
  • Research & background information - Go online and learn about funding for your topic, history of your topic, other issues related to your topic...
  • Follow the RFP - grantors pay attention to whether you can "follow directions..."
  • Have your grant "proofed" by an outsider
  • Align with District/Board/School Improvement Goals
  • Don't overpromise - keep it realistic.
  • Create a compelling argument
  • Focus on outcomes when writing your goal
  • Your objectives are what you will do to achieve your goal
  • Even if they don't require it, offer to present to their board or create an electronic presentation...
  • What other venues will you present at?
  • Hot topics: critical thinking, higher order thinking, problem solving, STEM, math and science, bilingual, social science, sped, career, and parent involvment/adult literacy.
Use marketing skills, ideas, and techniques to gain a competitive edge.

Don't give up!

An idea generated:
Goal: Increase student participation in Universal Design for Learning by implementing a laptop "checkout" program through the library so students can "take home" the computer with wireless access and view the multiple means of representation, participate in multiple means of engagement, and having choice in multiple means of demonstration of understanding. .... this needs work but the idea can be "modified" ... bridging the digital divide, student centered, teaching teacher about UDL....

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